Smart Technology

Mobile is personal

Above all, mobile is personal. It’s a 24/7 connection to your customers, clients and users that’s unlike anything else. That access makes reach and frequency as a campaign model synonymous with interruption and intrusion. Tolerance for ads and other intrusions that deliver low value, and ask only one thing, is headed south. The old way was built to drive awareness. Your brand is in your user’s hand. Do something valuable for them. The FundMeSmart mobile way is to drive real engagement.

App & Push mobile strategy 1-2-3

FundMeSmart helps small and medium size business initiate engagement with their customers via the most personal, prolific, contextual and powerful media channel in history. Use mobile to deliver real value to your audience and it will fundamentally change your shared relationship. An app-centric mobile strategy (and the push messaging to drive engagement) puts the end-user first, and better leverages all that mobile can deliver.

Context is king

If you want to get personal with someone, you need to know who they are. You need context to connect. Mobile is always on, always there. Mobile is personal. Mobile is location-aware and history-aware. Mobile is contextual. Mobile is there at the point of inspiration. Mobile is a media form beyond and unlike all others. Success in mobile demands that you understand, track, respect and leverage all the context mobile brings: Time, place, preference – all of it.

Fulfilling the promise of mobile

Revolutions happen because people want things to be better. When used well, all this context and access can make all things mobile more powerful than they are on their own. The new opportunity of FundMeSmart mobile isn’t just about commerce, it’s about the chance to make things better for people. For mobile to fulfill its true and complete promise, for companies to build the strong and lasting relationships with their customers, employees and partners that mobile experiences can create, you must begin with the action you want to inspire.